- Public Management
PUB 602 Human Resource Management [3]
This course examines basic concepts and theories of personnel management. It also introduces a variety of traditional and contemporary issues in human resources development.PUB 603 Public Management Information System [3]
It deals with management information system in the public sector. Basic concepts on computer and Internet will be taught the first part. Information system life cycle theory will be discussed in the second part in addition to information system development theory in general. In the final part, information policy will be taught together with e-government. Digital divide, protection of privacy, and transparent information policy are also discussed in the class.PUB 604 Individual Psychological Analysis [3]
This seminar puts emphasis on the determinants of individual behaviors in the social setting especially in the organizational setting. Such concepts as attitude, persuasion, motivation, cognition, affect, justice, symbolic action will be discussed in the seminar.PUB 605 History of Public Administration Theory [3]
The various theories of public administration will be examined since W. Wilson's seminal work of public administration was published. This course will explore not only the micro approach but the macro approach to the issues of public administration. From scientificmanagement, bureaucracy theories, organization theories, and policy theories, to the new public administration will be discussed in this seminar.PUB 606 Public Management [3]
It focuses on the concept and implications of public management as a way of studying public administration. It systematically examines the history and recent development in public management research. Issues dealt with in the course include scope and proper domains of public management research, new public management, leadership, strategic management, accountability and performance management in government.PUB 610 Economics of Organization [3]
This course covers a wide range of topics in microeconomics, including moral hazard and principal-agent model, risk and uncertainty, asymmetric information, transaction-cost economics, business strategy, game theory and economic organization.PUB 614 Budgeting and Accounting [3]
This course introduces both public and private accounting principles. Accounting information, financial reporting and basic accounting mechanisms will be covered. It also provides a basic framework for analyzing both public and private budgeting. Topics include performance evaluation, relationships between budgeting and management, budget reforms, and other various budgeting issues.PUB 615 Urban Management [3]
This course deals with the theories and realities of urban development, with a particular emphasis on various aspects of local public policy management.PUB 616 Theories of e-Government [3]
This seminar will deal with theoretical and some practical issues related to the use of information technology at the organizational and national levels. In particular, it focuses on the implications of IT for the structure and behavior of government organizations, as well as on the strategic uses of IT to promote public administrative values.PUB 617 Local Public Finance [3]
This course focuses on three major topics. The first topic is an analysis of local governments' public service provisions. Second topic is related to the allocation of fiscal resources between levels of government. This will include a discussion of intergovernmental grants under the decentralized governmental system. The third topic includes various considerations such as fiscal Institutions, volatility of government revenues, and local debt financing.PUB 618 Seminar in Project Management I [3]
By taking this course, students will understand basic but practical tools needed to undertake a project, which they may face at work frequently. This course includes defining a problem, gathering information, interview & communication skills, developing problem-solving skill and writing skills, which are necessary for project team members. As well, it will help project managers define a purpose of project, build a work plan, and manage the changes with related case studies.PUB 631 Organization and Management [3]
This course deals with the organization basis of public management. Especially, it explores decision making by managers in organizational settings.PUB 632 Organization and Innovation [3]
The objective of this course is to explore the meaning and content of innovation to change organizations. In particular, the course focuses on how organizations reform and innovate in structural, behavioral, and environmental aspects.PUB 633 Performance management in the public sector [3]
Performance management gas been the latest fad in the Public Management studies. Although a due caution is necessary, the importance of performance management in public sector can be hardly overemphasized, because producing, aggregating, and analyzing performance data and communicating the performance information is a significant prerequisite to make sound decisions for policy making, implementation and evaluation as well as for all kinds for managerial decisions. The objectives of this course include, but nor limited to, understanding what performance management in the public sector is, what strengths and weaknesses performance management tools and techniques have, what impacts performance management renders on other organizational issues, and what organizational and environmental factors influence the effective operation of performance management systems.PUB 634 Collaborative Public Management [3]
In response to the government's increasing reliance on collaboration across organizational and sectoral boundaries, designing, managing, and evaluating collaborative public management is becoming one of the central tasks for public managers. The rapidly increasing research on collaborative public management has explored a wide range of mechanism which goes beyond the traditional emphasis on authority and controls. In this course, we will review the theoretical discussions on the alternative ways of delivering public services, the challenges of adopting and managing collaborative modes of public service provision, and changing notions of government roles.PUB 635 Network Theory [3]
This course provides the opportunity to understand the basic principles and concepts concerning networks, how ideas and research regarding social networks can be applied to an understanding of organizational networks in the public sector, how multi-organizational collaboration can be achieved, and how to manage in a network context, whether as a manager of a network, or as a manager working within a network.PUB 641 Special Topics in Public Management I [3]This course deals with special topics in public management.
PUB 642 Special Topics in Public Management II [3]See PUB 641.
PUB 643 Special Topics in Public Management III [3]See PUB 641.
PUB 644 Special Topics in Public Management IV [3]See PUB 641.
- Governance and Institutions
PUB 509 Public Choice [3]
This course covers abstract deductive theories of collective choice process such as elections and markets. Topics include individual and collective rationality, paradoxes, solution concepts, voting rules, multistage processes, choice of agenda, vote trading, and cooperate.
PUB 551 Korean Government [3]
This course examines the culture, organizations, institutions and processes of Korean public administration, with an emphasis on theorizing behavioral patterns unique to Korean public administration.
PUB 555 Law and Public Policy [3]
This course focuses on legal aspects of public policy by exposing students to primary legal materials, including court decisions and legislative and administrative regulations. It also explores the relationships among law-making agencies and between law and policy.
PUB 557 Policy and Institution [3]
The seminar will focus on the institutional aspect of policy analysis. Institutional factors rather than behavioral factors are mainly discussed in policy analysis. The new institutional theories including historical institutionalism and comparative policy analysis are extensively reviewed. It will deal with such concepts and theories as the evolution of policy, policy network, and government-business relations from the institutional approach.
PUB 558 Local Autonomy and Local Administration [3]
It deals with the political economy of decentralization, structures and processes of the system of local administration, theories of intergovernmental relations, politics and public management of local government, and local financial management. The course comprises lectures, student presentations, and in-depth discussions on selected topics.
PUB 560 Administrative Behavior [3]
This course explores what government agencies do and why they do it. It introduces major theories and concepts for understanding behaviors of government agencies and aims to develop a comprehensive theory of administrative behavior.
PUB 568 Presidential Leadership and Public Policy [3]
This is an introductory course on the presidency. The course examines the presidential institution and evaluates the organization and decision-making procedures of each presidency.
PUB 581 Civil Society and Democracy [3]
This course, an introduction to civil society and its relations with government, examines issues such as conceptualization and explanation of civil society, the significance of civil society in public administration and policymaking, civil society and democratic transition/consolidation, civil society and social capital, civil society and "new governance," modes of civil society-government relations, and civil society and democracy.
PUB 583 Political Institutions and Presidential Governance [3]
This is a course on the relationship between political institutions and presidential governance. It examines presidential decision-making process in the context of institutional relationships with the legislature, political parties, the press, and the bureaucracy in Korea.
PUB 584 Democracy and Public Administration [3]
This course examines the historical evolution of different theories on the relationship between democracy and bureaucracy. A special emphasis is put on how the New Public Management theory and the New Governance theory define and discuss the relationship between democracy and public administration and the policy implications these theories offer.
PUB 585 Asian Government and Market [3]
This course focuses on the roles that several Asian governments played in the process of fast economic development. It also discusses how new government and market relationships evolve as domestic and foreign environment changes.
PUB 587 Public Philosophy [3]
The purpose of this course is to discuss philosophies and theories of public affairs. Broadly called 'public philosophy' could include such trends of thought as liberalism, communitarianism, democracy, social justice theory, pluralism and so on. This course is concerned not only with the comprehensive understanding of these thoughts, but also with the substantive analysis of various normative values (such as right, liberty, fairness, public good, equality, etc.) embedded in the thoughts. By taking the course, the students are expected to develop an ability to engage in philosophical discussion on classical texts as well as the practical debate on comtemporary public issues.
PUB 588 Global Justice [3]
Many global justice(injustice) issues have not adequately addressed by a state-centered justice framework. The purpose of this course is to examine the theoretical foundation and content of global justice beyond a state-centered justice framework. This course embraces following two aspects. First, it overviews philosophical and theoretical discourses of global justice. It includes perspectives of realism, liberalism, nationalism, cosmopolitanism through readings of Thomas Pogge, John Rawls, David Miller, and Martha Nussbaum. Second, it analyzes actual and practical issues of global justice. Those issues include global democracy, global poverty and economic inequality, human rights, and global migration.
PUB 589 Social Progress and Welfare Regimes [3]
This course aims to undertake advanced analysis of alternative perspectives on the nature of social progress, welfare regimes and social policy in the context of western world and East Asia. It will provide a systematic and analytical understanding of; a) the distinctions between various concepts as goals of social policy and progress; b) the respective contribution of economic and social institutions and processes to the advancement of human well-being; c) the concept of welfare regimes and its application to developed and developing countries.
PUB 590 Advanced Theory of Welfare Regimes [3]
This course aims to provide a deeper and critical understanding of welfare regime theories and to help students to undertake advanced analysis of changes in contemporary welfare regimes. In the first part of the course, it will review basic welfare state theories and discuss key themes in modern welfare regimes. At the same time, students will have an opportunity to develop their own research proposal. Afterwards, it will introduce and examine advanced theories and discussions of welfare regimes including 'varieties of capitalism and welfare regimes', 'historical institutionalism and Bismarckian welfare states', 'Global welfare regimes' and 'contemporary meaning of developmentalism'. Also, students will be guided to complete their own research paper throughout the course.
PUB 591 Special Topics in Governing Institutions and Processes I [3]
This course deals with special topics in governance and institutions.
PUB 592 Special Topics in Governing Institutions and Processes II [3]
See PUB 591.
PUB 593 Special Topics in Governing Institutions and Processes III [3]
See PUB 591.
PUB 594 Special Topics in Governing Institutions and Processes IV [3]
See PUB 591.
PUB 596 Corruption and Governance [3]
This course aims at systematically examining problems of and issues in corruption and governance from theoretical and empirical perspectives. Detailed emphases of this course are as follows; conceptualization and definition of corruption, institutional, economic and cultural causes of corruption, social, political and economic consequences of corruption, and strategies to Control Corruption.
- Policy Studies
PUB 511 Quantitative Analysis of Social Policy [3]
This course applies statistical techniques to questions of social policy. A variety of topics related to social problems are covered. Students may choose topics interested in. Empirical studies are used throughout the course to demonstrate methods of analysis. A major feature will be individual empirical papers. Prerequisite: PUB501 or equivalent. .
PUB 701 Theories of Policy Studies [3]
It aims at understanding the properties of public policies and the ways to improve rationalities in decision-making.
PUB 703 Government and Business [3]
Boundary theory between public and private sector is dealt with in this class. Market failure, government failure, and other approaches will also be discussed. Government regulations together with government reform activities will be taught.
PUB 703 Government and Business [3]
Boundary theory between public and private sector is dealt with in this class. Market failure, government failure, and other approaches will also be discussed. Government regulations together with government reform activities will be taught.
PUB 704 Risk Safety Policy in Industrial Society [3]
It is designed to understanding the diversity of risk phenomena in an industrial society and examining the safety policies and institutions so as to control various risks, with an emphasis on Korean society.
PUB 705 Cultural Policy [3]
This course introduces basic concepts and policy processes focusing on cultural policy. Studies on cultural actors, institutions and instruments of cultural policy. Examines the contexts and parameters of cultural economics and cultural industry from the point of creative industries.
PUB 708 Resources Management and Environments Policies [3]
Resource and environment problems will be dealt with from the futuristic point of view in the first part. Systems approach will be adopted in this class in analyzing the essence of environment and resource problems.
Environment science, environment regulation, environment philosophy are also discussed in the course.
PUB 709 Policy Analysis [3]
It is an integrated course on the use of quantitative techniques in public policy analysis.
PUB 710 Welfare Policy [3]
This course focuses on the analysis of social security programs, i.e., government programs that seek to protect citizens against economic risk and uncertainty.
These programs include pension systems, public health insurance, unemployment insurance, and public assistance programs.
PUB 711 Political Economy [3]
This course aims to reveal the interaction between the state and the market with a focus on state policies. Because the state was able to control or contain the market during the postwar period, it often is assumed that the state will be able to continue to do so in the future. The course examines this assumption.
PUB 713 Comparative Government and Policy [3]
This course compares and contrasts public administration systems, administrative practices, and policy-making processes in industrialized democracies from a perspective of comparative government and public policy, with a view to deriving relevant theoretical and practical implications for (the study of) public administration and policymaking in Korea.
PUB 714 Cultural Analysis of Public Policy and Institutions [3]
This course introduces cultural analyses of preferences for public policy and institutions and emphasizes the importance of culture as a way of life in understanding politics and society.
PUB 715 Asia Government Reform in Asia [3]
It will explore the reform of the Asian governments. Mainly Japanese and Korean administrative reform will be examined. The seminar explicates the deregulation, privatization, and structural reform of Korean and Japanese governments. The characteristics and effects of governmental reforms and the evaluation and future prospect of government reform will be discussed.
PUB 716 Conflict Resolution in Policy Processes [3]
Understanding various forms and configurations of conflicts in a process of public policy and examining diverse methods to resolve conflicts.
PUB 720 Policy Evaluation [3]
This course covers general issues and methods of policy evaluation to rectify policy errors.
PUB 723 Asia Comparative Policy Study [3]
This course examines the role of the state in the knowledge-based economy by comparing the recent government policies in Asia, which seeks to move toward an increasingly knowledge-driven global economy.
In the beginning of this course, it critically reviews the theoretical debates and concepts on the knowledge-based economy and the new industrial and regional policies. Based on this critical theoretical review, the course analyzes the specific government policies, in particular, the new industrial policy and regional policy in South Korea and Singapore, which share the ‘developmental state’ experience.
PUB 724 Public Sector Economics [3]
This course covers basic principles of economics necessary for the economic analysis of the public sector. The importance of public sector is discussed from the perspective of market failure and efficiency. Important market failure issues, such as public goods and externalities, are analyzed based on basic economic tools.
PUB 726 American Government [3]
This course is an introduction to American government in a comparative context. The emphasis will be on the American political system, the actors in American politics, national issues, and the making of public policy. Therefore, the purpose of this course is to introduce students to the policy making process in the United States.
PUB 727 Theories of Regional Development [3]
It investigates the meaning and implications of the region as a unit of technological innovation and economic development. It focuses on technological change, technologybased economic development, regional industry clusters, and regional innovation systems. It also explores constraints and policy variables at the local and central level concerning regional development.
PUB 728 Comparative Regional Development [3]
This course examines regional development theory and policy from a comparative perspective. In particular, cases in Korea, China, Singapore, U.S. and U.K. are analyzed to understand how regional development theories are applied in different countries.
PUB 729 Globalization and Regional Policy [3]
This course examines the interrelationships between transnational corporations and regional development in an era of globalization.
This course seeks to achieve a mixed blend of theory and practice of TNCs and regional development/regional policy. It provides students with not only description and explanation of TNC operations and their relations with the state, but also critical views in the analyzing the impact of TNCs on regional development/regional policy. At the end, based on the mixed blend of theory and practice on globalizing regional development that is examined throughout this course, it attempts to evaluate the South Korean regional policy.
PUB 730 Legislative Institutions and Public Policy [3]
This course examines various ways that legislative institutions affect the working of bureaucratic agencies in the policy process. Primary focuses are on such matters as interactions among intra-legislative actors in decision-making, legislative controls over agencies, and policy consequences of legislative-executive relations. Through these, the dynamics of policy formation and change within the legislative arena but also as a result of interactions among the legislative institutions and other policy actors are systematically understood.
PUB 732 Demographic changes and policy reforms [3]
This course aims to understand demographic changes driven by rapid ageing process and to analyse policy responses to them. Increasing longevity together with a rapid fall in fertility has brought fundamental demographic changes, which essentially require policy reforms. Public pensions have been developed for stabilizing the economic security of old-age and care programmes for meeting care needs. In addition, employment policy for older workers and various policies for boosting fertility are increasingly important in the ageing society. This course discusses the implications of demographic changes on policy reforms and analyses policy options for dealing with demographic changes.
PUB 733 Supranational Governance and Foreign Policy [3]
This course deals with various governance challenges at the supranational level and national policy responses to them. Topics include the origins, development, operation, and transformation of regional and global institutions and processes, with theoretical and empirical emphasis on how diverse actors manage issues and resolve problems through various national, intergovernmental, and supranational institutional devices and policy programs.
PUB 734 Multiculturalism: Theory and Policy [3]
Multiculturalism is one of often debated topics in current social science scholarship. The aim of this course is to deepening the understanding of multiculturalism. In particular, this course encompasses both theory and practice of multiculturalism.
The course comprises three parts. First, it examines the philosophical background of multiculturalism and related theoretical debates. Second, it analyzes particular cases of multiculturalism in domestic and international domains. Third, it envisions practical implementation and policy implications of multiculturalism.
PUB 735 Policy Formation and Implementation [3]
This course takes and integrative approach to enhance our understanding of the process by which various factors such as domain attributes, groups, and institutions affect the transformation of social issues to governmental agenda and the translation of government decisions to outcomes. Furthermore, the fundamental causal mechanisms that link the dynamics in policy formation and implementation are systematically investigated.
PUB 736 Seminar on Environmental Policy [3]
Environmental policy is inherently a chaotic confluence of science, culture, politics, and economics. This implies that government, civil society and markets all have roles to play in the formulation and implementation of environmental policy. This course seeks to critically investigate the ways in which different actors interact in defining environmental problems, setting goals and prescribing solutions. In the process, we aim to better understand how and why environmental problems persist, as well as the policy instruments and regulatory institutions that have evolved in response.
PUB737 Public Policies and Social Change [3]
This course begins with an inductive evaluation of public policies in selected areas.
In the process, the course explores both instrumental and normative dimensions of public policies in pursuit of their ideal role and ways to turn it into actuality. While the instrumental function reflecting upon the utilitarian view of human nature tends to equate the sum of autonomous individual preferences with public interest, the normative dimension challenges the prevailing view and emphasizes the importance of democratic deliberation and power of public ideas. By identifying and examining the relative merits and problems inherent in competing intellectual streams, the course aims to help students develop a revised view of what good public policy-making is and should be in order to yield socially desirable outcomes.
PUB 739 Public administration and legal system [3]
This lecture aims to analyse and review relations between public administration and related legal systems in administrative state. In addition, this lecture aims to find legislative ways to form desirable legal systems.
The contents of this lecture consist of three major parts. First, it introduces important law theories to understand relations between public administration and related legal systems in administrative state. Second, it reviews important legal systems about public administration from a policy science of law viewpoint. Third, it leads to suggest legislative ways to form desirable legal systems.
PUB 741 Special Topics in Policy Studies I [3]
This course deals with special topics in policy studies.
PUB 742 Special Topics in Policy Studies II [3] See PUB 741.
PUB 743 Special Topics in Policy Studies III [3] See PUB 741.
PUB 744 Special Topics in Policy Studies IV [3] See PUB 741.
- Methodology
PUB 501 Advanced Quantitative Analysis I [3]
The goal of this course is to introduce students to a variety of concepts and techniques essential to the statistical analysis of policy issues. The course combines materials typically found in intermediate courses on survey methods and statistics. This course focuses to understand the logic of statistical inferences and emphasizes to apply the techniques to real world problems.
PUB 502 Advanced Quantitative Analysis II [3]
This course is a sequence of Advanced Quantitative Analysis 1. Topics include : models for discrete choice, panel data, structural equation models, etc. Students are required to complete an empirical paper. Prerequisite : PUB 501 or equivalent.
PUB 503 Research Methods [3]
This course introduces basic research methods for social sciences. Topics include theory development, hypothesis construction, conceptualization and measurement, research design and sampling, the modes of data collection and the logic of data analysis.
PUB 504 Applied Management Science [3]
Student will understand how to apply mathematical models for analyzing and deriving policy alternatives in this course. Linear Programming, Queuing Model, Markov Model, PERT, and Simulation model will be taught in the class.
PUB 508 Advanced Quantitative Analysis III [3]
This course covers advanced statistical analysis methods such as structurual equation, event history analysis, logit and probit analysis, and multi-dimentional scaling. Students will learn how to deal with situations that cannot be handled by multiple regression properly.
PUB 510 Qualitative Research Methods [3]
This course examines the definition and use of qualitative methodology and methods in public administrative and public policy research. Rather than presenting the positivistic methods, the course focuses on developing a unified approach to valid descriptive and causal inference in qualitative research. The module explores the relationship between methodology and epistemology and reviews a range of research methods and techniques, including observation, interviewing, focus groups, action research, ethnography, and situationist methods. The course also considers the ethical and practical issues of conducting qualitative research.
PUB 512 The Heuristics of Thesis Preparation [3]
This seminar is aimed at acquiring the heuristics and tacit knowledge of thesis preparation and research execution. It includes the knacks to make an assessment of research question, research theme, and plausible hypothesis. It also discusses the sources of useful data and information, plus the know-how for analyzing and integrating them to create a new frontier of knowledge horizon. The thesis preparation must take the final steps for publicizing or defending the paper with some right tacks.
PUB 513 Game Theory [3]
This course will introduce basic game theory and study applications of game theory to institutional analysis. Game theory is a set of mathematical tools to model and analyze interdependent decision-making situations. The course will cover mainly the theories, models, and solution concepts of non-cooperative game theory. What game theory contributes is a rigorous formalization of such interdependent decision situations and a set of theories on how such strategic decisions are (descriptive) and should be (prescriptive) made.
PUB 514 Normative Analysis of Public Policy [3]
The purpose of this course is to analyze public policy from normative perspectives. The course examines varied normative values and principles such as individual liberty, right, equality, and public good. Given these normative values and principles, it purposes to evaluate, analyze, and suggest public policy. The discussion of the course is primarily concerned with public policies concerning social minorities such as women, the disabled, multicultural family, and the aged.
PUB 515 Comparative research methods [3]
This course aims to review, explain and evaluate the key paradigms and methodologies of comparative social research. As comparative strategies, it introduces quantitative (variable-oriented) methods, qualitative (case-oriented) methods, and finally qualitative comparative analysis (QCA, Fuzzy-set analysis). It consists of three major parts. First, it introduces and discusses the basic rationale and principles in comparative social research. Second, it provides students with the relevant techniques and enables them to apply these techniques to empirical data. Third, it reviews the use of these techniques in major established studies.
PUB 517 Case study method [3]
This course aims to introduce case study method and have students select a case and write it during the semester. Case study in the field of public administration has been done mainly on deductive logic, which undermines persuasive power of the writing itself. There are many kinds of case studies that have different methodological traditions. It means there are many ways of writing the case. This course covers the importance of case study, methodological diversities of collecting and analyzing data, and some constraints of case study on the field of public administration and public policy. Students are encouraged to select a good case, write up the case, and look deeply into the difficulties during the writing.
PUB 541 Special Topics in Methodology and Economic Analysis I [3]
This course deals with special topics in methodology or economic analysis.
PUB 542 Special Topics in Methodology and Economic Analysis II [3] See PUB 541.
PUB 543 Special Topics in Methodology and Economic Analysis III [3] See PUB 541.
PUB 544 Special Topics in Methodology and Economic Analysis IV [3] See PUB 541.
PUB 545 Individual Reading and Research I [3]
PUB 546 Individual Reading and Research II [3]