심동철 (Dong Chul Shim)
- Position
- Professor
- Phone Number
- 02-3290-2276
- Research Areas
- Organizational Behavior, Policy Implementation, Organizational Innovation
- Office
- Room 604, College of Political Science and Economics
- Degree
- Ph.D. in Public Administration and Policy, State University of N.Y
- dcshim@korea.ac.kr
Ph.D. in Public Administration and Policy, Rockefeller College of Public Affairs &Policy, University at Albany, Albany, New York, December 2011. Dissertation Title: Antecedents of Government Employees’ Organizational Citizenship Behavior: The Impacts of Prosocial Orientation, Organizational Identification, and Subjective OCB Norms Dissertation Committee: Sue Faerman (Chair), John Rohrbaugh, Thomas Taber Master of Public Administration (MPA) in Public Administration, Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs, Syracuse University, Syracuse, New York, June 2004. Master of Arts in International Relations in Political Science, Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs, Syracuse University, Syracuse, New York, August 2005. Master of Business Administration. (MBA) in Korea University Business School, Korea University, Seoul, S. Korea, February 2000. Bachelor of Arts. (BA) in Department of English Language and Literature, College of Liberal Arts , Korea University, Seoul, S. Korea, February 1997.
Professional Experience and Awards
Positions Associate Professor, Professor Department of Public Administration Korea University, Korea September 2017 – present Assistant Professor Department of Public Administration Korea University, Korea September 2015 – August 2017 Assistant Professor Department of Political Science San Jose State University, San Jose, California August 2012 – present Visiting Assistant Professor Department of Public Administration and Policy University at Albany, Albany, New York August 2010 – May 2012 Lecturer Department of Political Science Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa August 2009 – May 2010 Professional Services Chair of International Cooperation Committee at Korean Association of Public Administration (Jan. 2021-Present) Associate Editor of International Telecommunication Policy Review (Jan. 2020 – Present) Board Members of Research and Program Committee at Korean Association of Organizational Theory (Jan. 2020 – Present) Editor of Journal of Government Studies (Jan. 2020- Present) Board Members of Research and Program Committee at Koran Association for Policy Analysis and Evaluation (Jan. 2019 – Dec. 2020) Editor of International Telecommunication Policy Review (Jan. 2019 – Dec. 2019) Board Members of Research and Program Committee at Koran Society for Public Personnel Administration (Jan. 2019 – Dec. 2020) Associate Editor for Book Review of International Review of Public Administration (Jan. 2018 – Dec. 2019) Editor of Korean Review of Organizational Studies (Jan. 2018- Dec. 2019) Editor of Korean Public Personnel Administration Review (Jan. 2017- Dec. 2019) Board Members of Research and Program Committee at Korean Association of Public Administration (Jan. 2018 – Dec. 2018) Board Members of Research and Program Committee at Koran Society for Public Administration Theory (Jun. 2016 – Aug. 2017) Board Members of Cooperation Committee at Korean Association of Organizational Theory (2015.9 - 2016.8) Awards Received 2019 Fall; 2018 Spring; 2017 Fall; 2017 Spring; 2016 Fall. Teaching Excellence Award at Korea University Received 2009 Best Teaching Assistant Award in the Department of Public Administration. Received 2009 ASPA Asian Junior Scholar Paper Competition Award: Dong Chul Shim, Yong Soo Kwon, and Sung Won Hwang. Implementing performance measurement: Balanced scorecard (BSC) in Korean government. ASPA Annual Conference, Miami, FL, March 2009. Nominated for APPAM Conference Award for Research in Comparative Policy Analysis: Dong Chul Shim and Tae Ho Eom. Anticorruption effects of ICT and social capital. 29th Association for Public Policy Analysis Management, Washington DC, 2008, November.
Undergraduate/Graduate Courses
Undergraduate Courses Taught PPAP 240 Organizational Theory (English) PPAP 358 Organizational Behavior (English) PPAP 209 Policy Planning (English) PPAP 151 Introduction to Public Administration (Korean) PPAP 209 Public Administration Theory (Korean) Graduate Courses Taught PSG601 Public Administration Theory (Korean) PUB636 Public Organizational Behavior (English) PUB604 Individual Psychological Analysis (English) PUB632 Organization and Innovation (English) GRS 708 Korean Studies (Team Teaching -English) POS 403 Introduction to Public Administration (Korean) PSC644 Public Policy Planning (Korean)
Journal Articles
Ko, K., Park, H., Shim, D., & Kim, K. (forthcoming). “The Change of Administrative Capacity in Korea: Contemporary Trends and Lessons.” International Review of Administrative Sciences. Special Issue. Shim, D. C., Park, H. H., Keum, J., & Kim, S. (2020). Street-Level Bureaucrats’ Work Engagement: Can Public Managers’ Servant-Leader Orientation Make a Difference? Public Personnel Management, 0091026020941043. Shim, D.C., & Kwon, Y. S. (2020). Inclusive Bureaucracy: A Proposal for Inclusive Management in Government Organizations, Korean Public Personnel Administration Review, 19(2), 145-171. Ryu, G. & Shim, D.C. (2020) Developmental Leadership, Skill Development, and Work Engagement, International Review of Public Administration, 25(1), 64-79. Kim, J. H. & Shim, D.C. (2019) The Systematic Literature Review of Korean Public-sector Innovation Studies International Journal of Policy Studies, 10(1). 111-150 Shim, D. C., & Park, H. H. (2019). Public Service Motivation in a Work Group: Role of Ethical Climate and Servant Leadership. Public Personnel Management, 48(2), 203-225. Shim, D. C., Park, H. H., & Jeong, S. Y. (2019). Government Employees’ Organizational Citizenship Behavior Amid Organizational Resource Decline: Can They Work More With Less?. Review of Public Personnel Administration, 39(2), 209-231. Pak, J. H Shim, D.C. (2018). The Effect of Ethical Leadership on the Work Engagement of Public Organization Members: Focusing on Mediating Effect of Procedural Justice and Public Service Motivation. Korean Public Personnel Administration Review, 17(2), 59-91. Kim, S. H., Shim, D.C., & H.H. Park (2018). The Joint Influence of Servant Leadership, Red Tape, Public Service Motivation on Work Engagement. Korean Review of Organizational Studies, 15(3), 29-61. Kim, Y. E., Shim, D.C., & Kim, S. M. (2018) Effects of Organizational Value of Public Institutions on Public Employees’ Public Service Motivation and Work Engagement. Korean Public Administration Review. 52(4), 55-85. Choi, C.W., Keum, J. D. & Shim, D. C. (2018). The Performance of 'Leaders in Industry-University Cooperation' Program : Focused on Learning Outcomes of Students. Korean Public Management Review, 32(1), 75-104. Shim, D. C. & Faerman, S. (2017). Government Employees’ Organizational Citizenship Behavior: The Impacts of Public Service Motivation, Organizational Identification, and Subjective OCB Norms. International Public Management Journal, 20(4), 531-559. Kim, S. H., Shim, D. C., & Park, H. H. (2017). The joint effect of servant leadership, collective public service motivation, and ethical climate on collective organizational citizenship behavior. Korean Public Administration Review, 51(3), 63-91. Shim, D. C. (2017). Unlocking Public Service Values: Internalization of Values Among Korean Local Government Employees. The Korean Journal of Public Administration, 26(2), 43-73. Shim, D. C., Park, H. H., & Eom, T. H. (2017). Street-level Bureaucrats’ Turnover Intention: Does Public Service Motivation Matter? International Review of Administrative Science, 83(3), 563–582. Shim, D. C. & Rohrbaugh, J. (2014). An Explanation of Differences between Government Offices in Employees’ Organizational Citizenship Behavior. Public Management Review, 16(6), 807-829. Shim, D. C., & Rohrbaugh, J. (2011). Government Employees’ Career Commitment: Occupational Group Differences in Perception of Work Environment. American Review of Public Administration, 41(3), 263–284. Shim, D. C., Kwon, Y. S., Park, H. H., & Hwang, S. W. (2011). Linking Pay-for-performance System with Performance Improvement: The Role of Fairness, Organizational Resources, and Leader/managerial Engagement. International Review of Public Administration, 16(2), 49-69. Shim, D. C., & Eom, T. H. (2009). Anticorruption Effects of Information Communication and Technology (ICT) and Social Capital. International Review of Administrative Sciences, 75(1), 99-116. Shim, D. C., & Eom, T. H. (2008). E-government and Anti-corruption: Empirical Analysis of International Data. International Journal of Public Administration, 31(3), 298-316.
Conference Presentations and Proceedings
Joo Hee Kim & Dong Chul Shim (2019) The systematic literature review of Korean public-sector innovation studies Korea Association of Public Administration (KAPA) International Conference. Busan. June 2019 Dong Chul Shim, Hyun Hee Park & Heungsuk Choi Creativity in Government Organization: The Joint Influence of Servant Leadership, Ethical Climate and Performance Management The 23rd Annual IRSPM Conference, Wellington, New Zealand. March, 2019 Dong Chul Shim, Hyun Hee Park, Jaedeuck Kem and Sangmook Kim. Street Level Bureaucrats’ Work Engagement: The Role of Servant Leadership, Job Resources and Public Service Motivation, 2018 American Society for Public Administration Conference. Denver. March 2018. Geunpil Ryu and Dong Chul Shim. How Leader’s Coaching Behaviors Work? Korea Association of Public Administration (KAPA) International Conference. June 2017. Geunpil Ryu and Dong Chul Shim. Work and Family Multi-Role Involvement & Coping Behaviors. Korea Association of Public Administration (KAPA) International Conference, June, 2017. Dong Chul Shim and Hyunhee Park. Antecedents of public service motivation: Does servant leadership matter? Association Internationale de Recherche en Management Public (AIRMAP), June 2017 Dong Chul Shim, Jae duk Keum and Sangmook Kim. Street-level Bureaucrats’ Work Engagement: The Role of Public Service Motivation. Annual American Society of Public Administration Conference, Atlanta, United States, March, 2017 Dong Chul Shim, Hyun Hee Park and Jaeduk Geum. Government employees' work engagement: Effects of public service motivation and servant leadership. Public Management Research Conference, Aarhus, Denmark, June, 2016. Dong Chul Shim and Hyun Hee Park. Linking job resources, perceived organizational resource decline and employees' engagement: Can we work more with less? International Research Society on Public Management Conference, April, 2016 Dong Chul Shim and Hyun Hee Park. The examination of dynamic relationships among resources change, work engagement and employee performance: Agency level analysis. 12th Public Management Research Association Conference, Minneapolis, Minnesota, June, 2015 Dong Chul Shim, Hyun Hee Park and Jeong, Seong Young. The influence of reduction of organizational resources and employee satisfaction on employee performance: Can government agencies sustain a high level of performance with reduced resources? Annual American Society of Public Administration Conference, Chicago, Illinois, March 2015. Dong Chul Shim, Hyun Hee Park and Tae Ho Eom, Servant leadership: Is it a myth or powerful reality? 36th Annual APPAM Research Conference, Albuquerque, New Mexico, November 2014. Dong Chul Shim and Tae Ho Eom, Why do street level bureaucrats want to leave? The role of PSM in turnover intention. 11th Public Management Research Association Conference, Madison, Wisconsin, June, 2013 Dong Chul Shim and Sue Faerman. Public employees’ organizational citizenship behaviors: The influence of prosocial orientation, group norms, and organizational identification. 33rd Annual APPAM Research Conference, Washington, DC, November 2011. Tae Ho Eom, Dong Chul Shim, and Hyun Hee Park. The interaction effect of psychological burnout and public service motivation on public employees’ turnover intention. 33rd Annual APPAM Research Conference, Washington, DC, November 2011. Dong Chul Shim and John Rohbaugh. An explanation of differences between government offices in employees’ organizational citizenship behavior. Public Management Research Conference, Syracuse, NY, June 2011. Dong Chul Shim and Hyun Hee Park. Antecedents of public employees' organizational citizenship behaviors. Academy of Management, Montreal, CA, August 2010. Dong Chul Shim. Public employees’ organizational citizenship behaviors: The influence of group norms and organizational identification. 10th Public Management Research Association Conference, Columbus, OH, October, 2009. Dong Chul Shim and John Rohrbaugh. Government career commitment and the shaping of work environment perceptions. Academy of Management, Chicago, IL, August 2009. Dong Chul Shim, Yong Soo Kwon and Sung Won Hwang. Korean public employee’s perceived effectiveness of performance management system. Academy of Management, Chicago, IL, August 2009. Dong Chul Shim and John Rohrbaugh. Government employees’ career commitment: Occupational group differences in perception of work environment. Academy of Management, Chicago, IL, August 2009. Hyun Hee Park and Dong Chul Shim. Improvisation and learning in emergency response agencies. Academy of Management, Chicago, IL, August 2009. Dong Chul Shim, Yong Soo Kwon, and Sung Won Hwang. Implementing performance measurement: Balanced scorecard (BSC) in Korean government. ASPA Annual Conference, Miami, FL, March 2009. Dong Chul Shim and John Rohrbaugh. Government employees’ career commitment and organizational and job characteristics: Occupational group differences. Southeastern Conference of Public Administration, Orlando, FL, September 2008. Hyun Hee Park and Dong Chul Shim. Improvisation and organizational learning: An ethnographic study of an emergency response agency. 30th Academy of Management, Anaheim, CA, August 2008. Dong Chul Shim and Tae Ho Eom. Anticorruption effects of ICT and social capital. 29th Association for Public Policy Analysis Management, Washington, DC, November 2007.